Sebelum kita membicarakan lagu yang lagi ngehits ini lebih lanjut, pertama-tama, Lukas Graham bukanlah nama solois, melainkan sebuah band asal Denmark pengusung pop-soul. Memang, pentolannya bernama Lukas Graham yang bertugas sebagai vokalis dan dibantu oleh Mark “Lovestick” Falgren (drum), Magnus “Magnúm” Larsson (bass) dan Kasper Daugaard (keyboard).
Mereka telah merilis sebuah album debut, self-titled, di tahun 2012. Tapi hits ‘7 Years‘ yang akan kita bahas berasal dari album kedua mereka, juga sebuah self-titled, namun dengan embel-embel subjudul “Blue Album”, yang dirilis di tahun 2015 dan merupakan single ketiga.
Selintas mendengarkan ‘7 Years’ akan mengingatkan akan ‘Bad Day’-nya Daniel Powter, pop-soul bertempo sedang, bergerak dalam balada yang lebih kencang, karena memiliki dinamika notasi dan melodi yang mirip. Namun, terlepas dari sedikit kemiripan, ‘7 Years’ memang memiliki ciri khasnya sendiri.
Pertama, tentunya vokal Lukas Graham itu sendiri. Tentu saja ia bernyanyi, tapi Ia mampu menjadikan lagunya sebagai dialog, alih-alih bernyanyi konvensional saja. Oleh karenanya, kita sebagai pendengar lagunya seolah mendengarkan seorang sahabat yang tengah bercerita tentang kisahnya.
Kedua, lirik. Dengan barisan kata penuk makna, lirik ‘7 Years’ seolah menohok kita untuk mengevaluasi tujuan hidup kita. Sebuah hidup yang mungkin awalnya disetir oleh orang lain (orang tua), meski pada akhirnya harus diri kita sendirilah yang menentukan mau apa dan bagaimana dalam hidup. Rentang waktu yang disebutkan dalam lirik juga efektif sebagai penekanan “plot” dari lagu.
Ketiga, tentu melodi lagunya itu sendiri. Lagunya melantun renyah. Sepertinya pengaruh hip-hop lah yang membuat gerak mid-tempo lagu terasa lebih berdegup. Walau begitu, yang menjadi keutaman adalah betapa catchy lagunya. Ayunan nada yang ringan diikuti, sehingga pendengarnya bisa ikutan sing-a-long bersama lagunya.
Dengan segala keistimewaannya ini, tentunya tidak heran jika ‘7 Years’ bisa dikatakan sebagai salah satu anthem pop sukses di awal tahun 2016 ini.
Once I was seven years old, my mama told me,
“Go make yourself some friends or you’ll be lonely.”
Once I was seven years old
Once I was seven years old, my mama told me,
“Go make yourself some friends or you’ll be lonely.”
Once I was seven years old
It was a big big world, but we thought we were bigger
Pushing each other to the limits, we were learning quicker
By eleven smoking herb and drinking burning liquor
Never rich so we were out to make that steady figure
Pushing each other to the limits, we were learning quicker
By eleven smoking herb and drinking burning liquor
Never rich so we were out to make that steady figure
Once I was eleven years old. My daddy told me,
“Go get yourself a wife or you’ll be lonely.”
Once I was eleven years old
“Go get yourself a wife or you’ll be lonely.”
Once I was eleven years old
I always had that dream like my daddy before me
So I started writing songs, I started writing stories
Something about that glory,
Just always seemed to bore me
‘Cause only those I really love will ever really know me
So I started writing songs, I started writing stories
Something about that glory,
Just always seemed to bore me
‘Cause only those I really love will ever really know me
Once I was twenty years old.
My story got told
Before the morning sun, when life was lonely
Once I was twenty years old
My story got told
Before the morning sun, when life was lonely
Once I was twenty years old
(Lukas Graham!)
I only see my goals, I don’t believe in failure
‘Cause I know the smallest voices. They can make it major
I got my boys with me at least those in favor
And if we don’t meet before I leave, I hope I’ll see you later
‘Cause I know the smallest voices. They can make it major
I got my boys with me at least those in favor
And if we don’t meet before I leave, I hope I’ll see you later
Once I was twenty years old.
My story got told
I was writing about everything I saw before me
Once I was twenty years old
My story got told
I was writing about everything I saw before me
Once I was twenty years old
Soon we’ll be thirty years old,
Our songs have been sold
We’ve traveled around the world and we’re still roaming
Soon we’ll be thirty years old
Our songs have been sold
We’ve traveled around the world and we’re still roaming
Soon we’ll be thirty years old
I’m still learning about life
My woman brought children for me
So I can sing them all my songs
And I can tell them stories
Most of my boys are with me
Some are still out seeking glory
And some I had to leave behind
My brother I’m still sorry
My woman brought children for me
So I can sing them all my songs
And I can tell them stories
Most of my boys are with me
Some are still out seeking glory
And some I had to leave behind
My brother I’m still sorry
Soon I’ll be sixty years old, my daddy got sixty-one
Remember life and then your life becomes a better one
I made a man so happy when I wrote a letter once
I hope my children come and visit once or twice a month
Remember life and then your life becomes a better one
I made a man so happy when I wrote a letter once
I hope my children come and visit once or twice a month
Soon I’ll be sixty years old,
Will I think the world is cold
Or will I have a lot of children who can warm me?
Soon I’ll be sixty years old
Soon I’ll be sixty years old,
Will I think the world is cold
Or will I have a lot of children who can warm me?
Soon I’ll be sixty years old
Once I was seven years old, my mama told me,
“Go make yourself some friends or you’ll be lonely.”
Once I was seven years old
“Go make yourself some friends or you’ll be lonely.”
Once I was seven years old
Once I was seven years old
Source : CreativeDisc